Zakelijk Engels

Zakelijk Engels


€ 275,00
De inschrijving voor deze cursus is op dit moment niet geopend.


Zakelijk Engels

This course offers you an introduction to business English, aimed at students who wish to improve their business skills. In order to benefit from this course you should be at
CEF A2-B1 level (vmbo-tl/havo) and study at home for about two hours a week.
During this twelve-week programme, reading, writing, listening and speaking in a business context will be covered, while you will be encouraged to link your new knowledge and skills to your specific professional situation. 
You will learn how to write correct and convincing professional emails.

The following email subjects will be dealt with:
    - invitations and letters of thanks
    - asking for and giving information
    - commercial: enquiries, orders, payment
    - arranging meetings
    - job applications
    - written complaints.
To support this, we will pay attention to:
    - the formal layout
    - formality/informality and tone of voice
    - key phrases and vocabulary                                              
    - sentence structure
    - verb forms and tenses
    - punctuation and spelling.
Students are expected to make a number of email assignments, which will be marked by the teacher.
Dealing with phone calls with confidence is extremely important. You will learn how to do this by taking part in (telephone) role playing and discussions.

The following oral subjects will be covered:
    - passing on messages  (by phone or face-to-face)                               
    - making and changing appointments (by phone or face-to-face)
    - asking for and giving information (by phone or face-to-face)
    - sales talks
    - discussions, meetings
    - (mini) presentations.
Special attention will be paid to:
    - building confidence
    - correct pronunciation
    - telephone phrases
    - telephone alphabets
    - business conventions
    - politeness phrases

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