Engels Conversatie (B1)

Engels Conversatie (B1)


€ 246,00

De inschrijving voor deze cursus is op dit moment niet geopend.


Engels Conversatie (B1)

Deze cursus is verveeld over twee modules van elk 12 lessen. Dit is de eerste module.

Applicants for this course must have a basis knowledge of the English Language. They have to be able to understand the main points of a conversation, although their vocabulary may not be extensive.

The purpose of the course is to help learners build up a vocabulary and be able to take part in a conversation about general topics that they encounter at school, work, and leisure activities. They should be able to learn to deal with situations likely to arise in the area where English is spoken, on topics which are familiar to them. They should be able to describe experiences and events, hopes and ambitions. They should be able to explain a viewpoint and give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.