Engels Privacy rules

PRIVACY REGULATIONS of Volksuniversiteit Breda

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation

Article 1: Definitions
In these regulations, the following terms have the following meanings:

a. Nuts Volksuniversiteit de brede A in Breda is Volksuniversiteit Breda

b. the director or board: the director/board of Volksuniversiteit Breda.

c. file: the collection of personal data relating to the categories of persons mentioned in article 3 of these regulations;

d. personal file: the whole of (written) information recorded regarding a person who belongs to one of the categories mentioned in article 3 of these regulations. Files may consist of both a physical and an electronic part;

e. data subject: the person whose personal data is included in the file;

f. personal data: data that can be traced back to an individual natural person; third party

g. any person not belonging to the organization of the responsible party, with the exception of the data subject;

Article 2: Objective of the file
The file aims to collect all data necessary to register students for a course at Volksuniversiteit Breda and to make them available for use by the administration of Volksuniversiteit Breda. The file also serves to inform course participants and former course participants about their course/lessons/lectures, workshops, excursions and other course activities of Volksuniversiteit Breda.

Article 3: Categories of persons included in the file
The database only contains data about course participants, former course participants, teachers, employees, volunteers and people/companies who have indicated that they are interested in the courses offered by Volksuniversiteit Breda.

Article 4: Data included and method of acquisition
1. For the persons mentioned in Article 3, the file contains the data as mentioned in Appendix I, which is attached to these regulations.

2. The personal data are obtained by the person involved (or after authorization by the person involved) when registering for a course, lecture or other activity of Volksuniversiteit Breda.

3. The appendix referred to in the first paragraph forms part of these regulations.

Article 5: Responsibility
1. The director is responsible for the management, development and application of the file, all this in accordance with the provisions in these regulations.

2. The director shall ensure compliance with the implementing rules.

3. The director will take care of the necessary technical and organizational provisions to secure the file, against loss or damage of the data and against unauthorized access, modification or provision of the data.

Article 6: Functioning of the file
1. The file will be used exclusively on the instructions of the Director of Volksuniversiteit Breda and the employees designated by him. 

2. The data in the file will be used exclusively for the purpose described in Article 2 of these regulations.

Article 7: Access to the file
1. Only and exclusively within the framework of the work assigned to them, have access to the file:

- the Director;

- the staff;

- the administrative staff;

- members of the board;

- the system administrator.

2. Access to the file can be obtained only through the personally assigned access codes to the persons mentioned in this article at 1.

3. Associated with these access codes are specific rights regarding the processing, modification, deletion, consultation/viewing of the stored data.

4. A teacher is given functional access to some personal data of the participants in the teaching activity given by him/her, namely: name, telephone number and/or email address in order to inform them about matters concerning the teaching activity in question.

Article 8: Provision of data to third parties
1. No data from the file will be provided to third parties, unless:

- this is required by law;

- This is done with the consent of the person concerned;

- authorities with a public law task request it.

2. The provision of data will not be provided insofar as secrecy is required by virtue of office, profession or legal requirement.

Article 9: Retention and destruction of data.
If there has been no contact between the person concerned and Volksuniversiteit Breda for seven years, the personal data will be destroyed. Financial registration data are linked to the personal data. Volksuniversiteit Breda must keep financial data for a period of seven years in accordance with statutory tax provisions.

Article 10: Right of inspection, correction and copy.
1. The data subject or his/her representative can turn to Volksuniversiteit Breda with a request to inspect the registered data.

2. Volksuniversiteit Breda will provide access within 4 weeks after submission of the request.

3. The data subject (or his/her representative) will be given access to the file insofar as it concerns the data related to the data subject. If desired, a copy of the data requested by the person concerned will be made available.

4. Inspection and copies shall be provided only upon written request to the Director.

5. Volksuniversiteit Breda requires that the identity of the applicant and/or any authorized representative can be established conclusively by employees of Volksuniversiteit Breda.

6. Reasons will be given for a negative decision.

Article 11: Right of correction
1. The data subject (or his/her representative, when he/she can show an explicit request by the data subject) has the right to ask for correction, completion or blocking of the data included in the file about the data subject, if he/she believes that the data included is incorrect or incomplete or, given the purpose of the file, irrelevant, or has been included in violation of these regulations.

2. A request for deletion can only be effected in accordance with the provisions of Article 9.

3. A request for correction, addition, removal or blocking of personal data must be submitted in writing to the director of Volksuniversiteit Breda. The request contains the changes to be made.

4. The director's decision on the request will be communicated to the applicant within 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

5. Volksuniversiteit Breda will ensure that a decision to improve, supplement or delete data or to protect them will be implemented as soon as possible.

6. Reasons are given for a negative decision.

Article 12: Appeal
1. If Volksuniversiteit Breda refuses to comply with a request for insight, inspection, copying, blocking or correction, the applicant may, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, apply to the District Court of Breda with a written request to order Volksuniversiteit Breda to comply with that request. 

2. The petition must be filed within 6 weeks after the responsible party's rejection decision is received. If the responsible party did not respond within the time limits set in Articles 10 and 11, the petition must be filed within 6 weeks after those time limits.

3. The petitioner may also apply to the Personal Data Authority (https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl) within the time limit set in the second paragraph with a request to mediate or advise in his dispute with the responsible party. In that case, the petition referred to in the first paragraph may still be submitted after the applicant has received notification from the Personal Data Authority that it has discontinued its handling of the case, but no later than two months after that time.

Annex listing which data are recorded

Volksuniversiteit Breda Augustus 2024

The file contains the following data on the persons referred to in Article 3:

• surname, initials

• address, postal code*

• place of residence*

• tel.nrs day, evening, mobile**

• gender*

• e-mail address

• date of birth * : registration for activities of Volksuniversiteit Breda is in principle possible for persons of 18 years and older.

• BSN - the Burgerservicenummer is registered in case the student uses the loan option at DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs) for the NT2 courses;

• Nationality - idem as for BSN and in case the subsidy conditions of the municipality require it.

• IBAN - for direct debit of course and tuition fees and/or refund of (overpaid) course or tuition fees.

• the courses or course history followed by the person concerned.

• the use of the digital support My People's University.

*Data on place of residence, postal code, age and gender are processed anonymously for statistical purposes: who are our students and where do they come from.

** Telephone and/or email details are needed to inform students in time in case of illness of the teacher and other class changes.

Volksuniversiteit Breda Agustus 2024